Friday, September 19, 2014

The Digital Storytelling Project (I AM PERFECT)

We, Hippo Production would like to thank all who were involved in this film directly or indirectly


Weekly Reflection (Week 14-Final Week)

This is the final week for Semester 4 students. We didn’t have Monday class because Miss Amreet was on-leave. Then, we proceed with our final class on Wednesday, 17th of September 2014. On that day, we submitted our final assignment which was The Digital Storytelling Project Report and we continued with four other groups which have not presented their movie yet.

            The first to present was Ruffler’s Production team and their movie entitled ‘The Wishing Star’. The moral value which we able to obtain from their movie is that we need to be thankful and accept what we have because there are some other people out there who actually wish to have our life. Next to present was Farhana, Liyana, Rosnita and Asma’s group. Their movie is about ‘The Miracle of Altruism’. Altruism is actually a person who feels disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. Sometimes, we need to be this kind of person-- help others and stop being too selfish in order to surround yourself with positive vibes.

            ‘Longing For You’ is another love story from Grace, Nabilah, Atikah and Syarimazni’s piece of art. Finally, the group who last to present their movie and ended the class for this semester was Nadhirah, Farah, Mariana and Nazifah’s movie; ‘The Clever Mother’. Through this movie, we learned that you cannot fool your mother because she would definitely find out sooner or later.

Goodbye Miss Amreet!
We're going to miss you :)


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Weekly Reflection (Week 13)

            The digital storytelling project’s presentation started this week and my group was the first to volunteer. There are three project presentations which was from my group with a movie entitled, I Am Perfect. Continued with Aminah, Amira Azmi and Nabila Izzati,’s movie;  Anna’s Petite Journal. The final presentation was by Syakirah, Fatin, Hamidah and Norizatul’s group. It was an animation film entitled; The Swaps Sisters.

Weekly Reflection (Week 12)

On this week, Miss Amreet taught us on the Interactive Multimedia: Narrative and Linear Narrative. A narrative is also define as a ‘story’. It is a series of events that are linked together in a number of ways, including cause and effect, time and place. Narrative also is something that happens in the first event causes the action in the second event, and so on, usually moving forward in time. Narrative interactive multimedia involves telling a story using many media and interactivity. Often the player is one of the characters in the story and sees action from the character’s point of view. It was also used for pure entertainment or to present information in an experiential way.

            Meanwhile, computer game is any game played with a computer involved. It includes all consoles (PlayStation, Xbox,etc), PC computers, mobile devices, interactive TV, and arcade games. Next, video game is any kind of game using a video display. Then, electronic games is a applies to all types of video and computer games.

            Classical linear narrative elements can be defined with the presence of character, structure, scenes and sequences, jeopardy, point of view and pace. Firstly, for the character; most successful film and video today clearly define their characters early in the piece. Who are the characters? Where are they from? What do they want or need, and why do they want it? What the character wants usually provides the action story of the film or video.

            As for the structure, once the character’s needs are established, then the writer can begin to structure the script. They key elements of classical narrative structure are exposition, conflict, climax, and resolution. Next, for the exposition or setup. The beginning of the story must set up the lead character, the setting and what the character wants- the goal to be achieved or the problem to be solved.

            During the conflicts, if the character achieves the goal in the first scene, it will be a very short story. To avoid this happening, the writer introduces conflicts or obstacles. (person vs. person, person vs. environment, person vs. self). Meanwhile, for scenes and sequences. A narrative is comprised of individual scenes and sequences. A scene is an action that takes place in one location. A sequence is a series of scenes built around one concept or event. It’s tightly structured script, each scene has a mini-goal or plot point that sets up and lead us to the next scene.

            Last but not least, pace and time. Pace is the audience’s experience of how quickly the events of the narrative seem to move. Many short sequences, scenes and both of dialogue tend to make the pace move quickly, longer elements slow it down. Finally, writers tend to accelerate pace near a climax and slow it down for expositional and romantic scenes.

Compare and Contrast Essay

Raising Boys and Girls

            Even though women’s and men’s roles have changed in the last fifty or sixty years as women have started working outside the home, the raising of boys and girls has not substantially changed. Boys and girls are still raised differently in terms of how they are dressed, what toys they are given, and where and how they are allowed to play.

            From the first day of their lives, boys’ and girls’ clothing differs in terms of colour and style. Boys’ colours are bold blues, reds, or greens, while girls are usually dressed in pink or other pastel colours. Boys’ clothing tends to be functional, while girls has decorative details such as ribbons, bows, and ruffles. Many outfits for babies and young children have pictures on them, and those images clearly mark them as for boys or girls. Boys’ clothing has images of trains, trucks, or sailboats.

            When parents and relatives select toys for young children, they choose playthings that reflect traditional male and female roles. Boys are given toys that move such as trucks and cars, or cannons or guns that school objects into the air, as well as toys that allow them to build structures or carry out science experiments. Girls are given toys that replicate the home environment.

            When boys and girls are old enough to play independently, they are treated differently in terms of how and where they are allowed to play. Boys are allowed to go outside where they can run, climb trees, and wander through the neighbourhood. They can get wet or muddy, and no one gets upset with them. Girls, on the other hand, are told to remain inside and stay clean.

            The way parents raise their children has an effort on their future lives. Boys and girls learn about their gender, or social roles as males and females, from their earliest experiences, from how they are dressed, what they are given to play with, and how and where they are allowed to play. Parents should realize that the roles their boys and girls will play in the future will not be as distinct as the male and female roles of the past. Their girls will grow up to be women who will work outside the home, and their boys will grow up to be men who will share in household responsibilities. Therefore, parents should raise boys and girls more uniformly to prepare them for the future.

Cause and Effect Essay

Social Network

            Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are names which captured the hearts of millions people across the globe, especially teenagers. This social networking site has a lot of advantages rather than drawbacks. But, the question is, why people are so into this kind of stuff and why it is somehow has become a must for some people to have and own an account for themselves?

            Firstly, they say that social network has opened a lot of door for opportunity to meet new people. The idea of meeting a lot of new people around the world by just staring and clicking on the website is one of the many reasons on why people took a chance to make start an account for them. The interesting thing is that, only through social network, not only they able to find their long-lost relatives but, the percentage show that 60% of users found their soul mates via this social network.

            In addition, basically social networking sites are user friendly. First, to make an account is easy as ABC. You just need to fill up an online form about little information about you. Then, by clicking agree with terms and condition provided, you are now one of the users. Hence, it is said that you do not need or require a lot of knowledge and skills to operate those social network. Next, Facebook is one of many other social network which people around the world said that it was a way to a very convenient and easy to access news and bulletins. Therefore, everyday you will get an update with things happened within your surrounding.

            The fascinating part which lures people to join social network sites is the joyous of joining groups that share interest and hobbies as same with you. By joining or creating the group, you are not only can give your point of view and thoughts about something, but you are able to exchange ideas, recipes, and so many things.

            As a conclusion, these three main features are the reasons which have actually captured the heart of many youngsters, and even elderly to be part of these social sites. In the future, social network could probably conquer the world by storm and wildfire. Expanding one’s network, add new friends, enhance their careers, make connections, recruit employees, and find people with scarce skills which summarise the reason for their popularity.

Argumentative Essay

School-Based Assessment in Malaysia

            The new school-based assessment (PBS) system is one of the form of assessment that have holistic value which is counted the cognitive aspect (intellect), affective (emotion and spiritual), psychomotor (physical) and social concord with the Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan. This PBS system assessed the process and product with formative and summative which used the concept of assessment for learning and assessment of learning. The improvement of PBS system is implemented in 2011 for standard 1 and form 1 in 2012. But rumors has it, this PBS system is not well implemented and therefore are causing more disadvantages rather than advantages.

            Firstly, the reason why most of the lower secondary school students cannot accept the changes which is from the examination system to PBS system is that, students are losing out under the new school-based assessment (PBS) system as many teachers are forced to skip topics. According to the President of National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP), Tuan Hashim Adnan, said many teachers are concentrating only on certain topic which will be assessed under the system. For instance, if there are ten topics in history, but only five are assessed, some teachers take a shortcut and focus only on that five topics, this is for the sake of saving time. Just imagine, in the end, the students lose out because they learn less.

            Not only that, the teachers may be biased towards some students when evaluating students. Let say that this particular teacher have some sort of problem with a student she is about to asses; There is slight possibility that the teacher may be holding a grudge towards the students. Hence, she will put any band for the student as she would like. For example, there are 6 bands to evaluate the students. She might put the student she has problem with the lowest band ever which is 6, even though the student performed well for their assessment. All this due to the fact that your own teacher will be evaluating you and your future is in their hand.

            On the other hand, there will be lack of competition amongst them students and less interest in studies. All this due to the reason that students will have no real focus for their assessment rather than the previous Malaysia’s examination which are UPSR, PMR, and SPM. When kids do not have competition between them, it will be hard for them to boost themselves in their studies. As a result, students’ progression will be hard to follow and maintain.

            As for the conclusion, I strongly believe that the new school-based assessment (PBS) system brings more disadvantages rather than advantages. According to findings at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Buloh Kasap, 75% of their students strongly disagree if the PBS band system continued, and they also agreed that this type of system will give out negative impact towards not only to the students in the future, but towards teachers and school’s progression.